Corporate social responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is often understood as a requirement of companies to comply with environmental or philanthropy requirements, however, it goes much further and represents an exciting topic through which companies can evolve and grow outward and especially within the company.
For RANGER’S, CSR has arrived here to stay as a new way of life, so much that it is included in our philosophy as evidenced by our mission “… we do business with ethical, social, economic and environmental commitment.”
At RANGER’S we know the importance of our interest groups in our operation, mainly our clients, suppliers and especially our COLLABORATORS, which is why all our actions are aligned to comply with the 4 areas of CSR; Business ethics, Community relations, Care and preservation of the environment and Quality of life.
We are pleased to share that in 2023 we obtained the Distinction as a Socially Responsible Company for the 6th consecutive year and that we will continue working to endorse it for many more years as we are convinced of the benefits for the company and for all of us who are part of the great RANGER'S family. .

1 At Ranger´s we promote a competitive, ethical and socially responsible business model. We are committed to achieving sustainability and having a positive impact on society and the environment.
2 We believe in teamwork and solidarity. We respect every individual´s rights and dignity.
3 We are committed to providing favorable working conditions and a positive environment in which our employees, family members, suppliers and shareholders can grow in their professional and personal lives.
4 We involve our employees, suppliers and shareholders in investment and social development programs.
5 At Ranger´s we denounce all forms of corruption, both internal and external. We conduct our business adhering to our ethos and ethical code.
6 We actively promote a good and healthy quality of life in society.
7 We dedicate time, talent and resources to the development of the communities in which we are present.
8 We seek out and support social causes as part of our ethos.
9 At Ranger’s we keep our impact on the environment as low as possible throughout all our operational and marketing processes.
10 We participate in social issues by forming alliances with other companies, civil organizations, chambers, groups and / or government